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Home / Therapeutic / PRETEK I BOLUS
Our Products Code : 1010
Price : 1 BOLUS - 65/-

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Protect cattle from worms infestation with Pretek I Bolus

Each Bolus Contains

  • Ivermectin  IP : 100 mg.
  • Fenbendazole IP : 3000 mg.
  • Excipients : Q.S.

Feeding Advice

  • Cattle & Buffaloes : 100ml Daily
  • Calves : 20 ml Daily
  • Sheep & Goat : 20 ml Daily


  • Kill broad range of worms
    • Highy effective in field condition. Kill nemotodes of GIT, Lung worms, Skin , Eyes and Muscles worms.
  • High safety Margin
    • Good for mother & calf safe to deworm animals at any stage.
  • Long Acting.
    • Repeat after 3 months.
    • Therapeutic concentration of ivermectin is available for longer time thus ensure longer protection & Protect cattle from reinfestation.
  • No Tretogenic effect.
    • Pregnancy safe.
    • Safe to deworm pregnant animals at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Prevent Trans-Ovarian transmission.
    • Protect foetus from worm infestation reduces the chances of early calf mortality.
  • Single Dosage.
    • 1 Bolus for an animals up to 500 kg body weight.

Broad spectrum Anthelmintic 
Long Acting- Pregnancy Safe Dewormer.